SIRATI was retained by the Toronto Housing Corporation to provide Geotechnical, Environmental and Hydrogeological services.
Our Environmental services included Phase One & Two Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Soil Remediation, filing Record of Site Condition (RSC), Hydrogeological Study and Excess Soil Management.
The Phase Two ESA identified metals, EC and SAR contamination at several areas on the conveyance land. SIRATI completed delineation program and soil remediation by removing the impacted soil and disposing at a licensed landfill facility. Our Hydrogeological study was conducted concurrent with the Phase Two ESA and Geotechnical investigation. At the request of the Client, a RSC was filed with the MECP, in accordance with the O. Reg. 153/04, and letter of acknowledgement was received. SIRATI was also involved in preparation of an excess soil management plan and implementation of that plan to ensure compliance with the O. Reg. 406/19.