Dundas St. West Whitby Proposed Development
SIRATI & Partners was retained by the Mattamy Homes Limited to undertake Geotechnical, Environmental (Phase One & Phase Two) and Hydrogeological services for the proposed development located at Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario.
Our scope of work for the geotechnical investigation included:
– Proposed Employment Block
– Proposed Sanitary Sewer along Dundas Street
– East SWM (Stormwater Management) Pond
Under our Environmental and Hydrogeological services we conducted a total of nine (9) Phase One & Two ESAs for the site and the conveyance lands. The Phase Two ESA identified petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), metals, EC and SAR contamination at several portions of the land. Completed delineation program and soil remediation by removing the impacted soil and disposing at a licensed landfill facility.
The hydrogeological study was conducted concurrent with the Phase Two ESA and geotechnical investigation. At the request of the Client, RSC was filed for seven (7) parcels of land and for one (1) conveyance land, with the MECP, in accordance with the O. Reg. 153/04, and letters of acknowledgement were received.
The development will consist of low-rise structures and associated roads, sewers, and watermains.